MW170 MAX Autoranging Conductivity / TDS / NaCl / Temperature Laboratory Bench Meter
The Milwaukee MW170 4-in-1 MAX EC/TDS/NaCl/Temp. Logging Bench Meter has won fans around the world with its reliable, fast and simple operation as well as its tough, sleek design and small benchtop footprint. It is accurate to
with automatic, manual or no temperature compensation and a built in dedicated GLP key. Ideal for use by education, horticulture, labs, food processing, water treatment and many other applications with challenging EC/TDS/NaCL/Temp. measurement needs.- Fast easy to read results with large duel level digital LCD readout.
- Extreme accuracy to 1% of reading for EC/TDS/NaCl |+/- 0.5°C (+/-0.9°F).
- Extended auto-ranging feature for EC/TDS/NaCl.
- Lightweight, sleek design featuring a small benchtop footprint.
- Simple easy-to-use logging; manual log-on-demand or manual log-on-stability up to 1,000 records.
- Micro USB Port download functions.
- GLP data, date and time.
- Easy measurement: just place the probe in the sample, gently stir and wait for the reading to stabilize.
- Single cell factor calibration for EC/TDS/NaCl, automatic simple one point calibration and two point for temperature allowing increased accuracy.
- Rugged low maintenance, high performance, easy-to-clean EC/TDS/NaCL/Temp probe.
- Built in temperature sensor.
- Internal clock date to keep track of different time-dependent functions (calibration, timestamp, calibration time out).
- 3 feet probe cables for extra flexibility when testing.
- Includes MA9315 electrode holder, cables, adapter and probe.