The Clark-type electrode is the most used oxygen sensor for measuring oxygen dissolved in a liquid. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) is really a physical distribution of oxygen molecules in water. There are two main sources of Dissolved Oxygen in water: atmosphere and photosynthesis. Waves and tumbling water mix air into water where oxygen readily dissolves until saturation occurs. Oxygen is also produced by aquatic plants and algae as a by-product of photosynthesis.
The electrochemical method of measuring Dissolved Oxygen requires a cathode, anode, electrolyte solution and a gas permeable membrane. The material of the membrane is specially selected to permit oxygen to pass through. Oxygen is consumed by the cathode which will create a partial pressure across the membrane. Oxygen will then diffuse into the electrolyte solution.
Thus, a Dissolved Oxygen Meter actually measures the pressure of oxygen in water. It can be used to measure Dissolved Oxygen in any medium.
Dissolved Oxygen / Temperature MAX Portable Meter
O2 Range*: 0.0 to 45.00 mg/L (ppm)
Dissolved Oxygen / Temperature Laboratory Bench Meter
...Standard Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meter
O2 Range: 0.0 to 19.9 mg/L
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